May -- Week 3


Ideal for
16 months -
2 1/2 years
MONDAY Ramps & Cars: Experiment with several ramps of different heights and have the children run the cars down them. Discuss which one makes the cars go faster. Toy Wash & Swap Recite:
"Let the children come to me."
Matthew 19:14


Paul Tells a Jailer Some Good News
page 144

Attention Getter: Tell this story with the Superyard around the teacher and children.

Sign Language: Go


Twinkle, Twinkle Traffic Light

Twinkle, twinkle traffic light
Round the corner shining bright.
Red means stop, green means go,
And yellow means go very slow.
Twinkle, twinkle traffic light
Round the corner shining bright.


Note: Add this section for older children. Click here for
Planning Ideas

Flash Cards and/or Felt Shapes:

Letters: S, T

Numbers: Review 1-10

Color: White

Shape: Review

TUESDAY Line up the chairs in a line and pretend to be on a bus, boat, or in cars. For a steering wheel use a paper plate. Sing The Wheels On The Bus.
WEDNESDAY Teach all or some of this A Jailer Believes in Jesus lesson and activiites from Mission Arlington.

My Bike

One wheel, two wheels on the ground
My feet make the peddles go round and round
Handle bars help me steer so straight
Down the side walk and out the gate .

THURSDAY Map Painting: Tape old maps to the table and have the children drive their toy cars over paint soaked sponges then over the maps. Pack for a Trip: Provide the children with suitcases and/or travel bags. Discuss what you would take on a trip (toothbrush, hair brush, clothes, shoes, etc.) Have the children take turns packing.
FRIDAY Place Boats in your water table or dish tub with water. Block Roads: Show the children how to make roads for the matchbox cars.

Ritz Crackers

Cheese Nips

Graham Crackers

Kix Cereal

Circus Animals

Make old fashioned Paper Airplanes using plain paper or construction paper.

Quarry: Place gravel and other rocks in a tub or sensory table and add trucks, bulldozers, etc. The kids really enjoy driving through the quarry. Do crayon rubbings with License Plates.

Do crayon rubbings with Keys and make Paper Chains as you talk about this week's Bible story.

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All praise and glory go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Apart from Him, I could do nothing. (John 15:5)