June -- Week 2


Ideal for
16 months -
2 1/2 years

Make Butterflies: Color a coffee filter with washable markers & spray lightly with water, all the colors will run together. Now pinch the filter in the middle until it resembles butterfly wings. Place this in a clothespin. Add pipe cleaner antennae. Move Like A Bug: Show the children how to move like a cricket, ant, grasshopper, spider, etc.

"Jesus went around doing good."
Acts 10:38


God Sees Rahab Helping
page 50

Attention Getter: Tell this story while building with blocks and knocking them down.

Sign Language: Butterfly
from BabySignLanguage.com



Bees, Bees, Bees, Bees
Buzzing in bushes and buzzing in trees
Buzzing around, wherever they please
There's nothing so sweet As sweet as a honey bee.


Note: Add this section for older children. Click here for
Planning Ideas

Flash Cards and/or Felt Shapes:

Letters: U, V, W

Math: Counting 1 to 1

Color: Black

Shape: Octagon


Make Footprint Butterflies: Trace the children's feet and cut out of construction paper. Put the left foot on the right side and the right foot on the left side, leaving a space between to add a black construction paper body.

The Surprise

"Let's go to sleep," the caterpillars said,
(bend all ten fingers into your palm)
And they tucked themselves into their beds.
They will awaken by and by.
(slowly unfold each finger one at a time)
And each one will be a butterfly.
(fly with your arms)


Teach all or some of this Rahab & the Spies lesson and activities from Mission Arlington. Sing R-A-H-A-B (tune is BINGO)
There was a girl God used for good and Rahab was her name-o
R-A-H-A-B, R-A-H-A-B, R-A-H-A-B
and Rahab was her name-o..

Marble Paint a Spider Web: Marble Paint with white paint on black paper to make a spider web! Play Cacoon. Take turns rolling up in a blanket like a cacoon.

Bug Paint: Use plastic spiders & bugs to paint with! Have the children dip them in paint and make prints on construction paper. Listen to The Flight of the Bumblebee while the children dance like Bumblebees.



Ants on a Log

Ant Treats

Bee Bread

Fly in the Batter

Bug Juice

(Above treats can be found at:

If you plan to Observe Bugs over a period of time, please make sure to feed them properly. Do not keep them caged any longer then you need to. See next box for feeding tips ---> Ants - drops of honey or bits of raw meat, apples and bananas.
Grasshoppers - fruit and vegetables
Praying Mantis - fruit flies
Lady Bugs and Beetles - fruit and boiled potato
Crickets - raw vegetables, fruit, dog biscuits and crackers
Bees and Butterflies - should be set free to find flower nectar.

All insects need water. Place a few drops of water on a leaf, inside the cage, daily.

There are a lot more ideas on my
Eric Carle
Theme Pages.

I'm quiet as a caterpillar wiggle silently on the floor
Mild as a mouse put up ears and twitch nose
I'm gentle as a lamb baaa & wiggle hands as if tail
Soft as a kitten meow
I'm tender as a teddy bear hug self and rock back and forth
Warm as a bunny hold up paws and hop

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All praise and glory go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Apart from Him, I could do nothing. (John 15:5)