September--Week 2
Jonah & Ocean

Ideal for
16 months -
2 1/2 years
MONDAY Make a Crab: Paint the bottom of a paper plate with red paint. When dry fold plate in half -red side out- and staple 4 strips of red paper on each side to make a crab. Then glue on wiggle eyes.
Caution! Watch the children with staples.
Toy Wash & Swap
Fire Prevention
"Listen to what God says." Proverbs 4:20


God Sends a Big Fish to Help Jonah,
page 72

Attention Getter:
Tell this story while the children sit on beach towels.

Sign Language:


Jonah and the Whale Song
(Tune: "London Bridge")

Jonah was swallowed by a whale
By a whale, By a whale,
Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Swallowed whole!
(rub tummy at the end)

Jonah prayed to God above
God above, God above,
Jonah prayed to God above
And was forgiven!
(hold hands in prayer position at the end)


Note: Add this section for older children. Click here for
Planning Ideas

Flash Cards and/or Felt Shapes:

Letters: C, D

Number: 3, 4

Color: Blue

Shape: Square

TUESDAY Make a Big Fish for children to explore: Stuff a large plastic trash bag with newspaper. Tape the tail and shape it into a whale shape. Tape on a big construction paper circles for eyes. Use duct tape to make a mouth shape. Play thisWhale Bean Bag Toss Game.
WEDNESDAY Teach all or some of this Hide and Seek lesson and crafts. Beach Dress-Up--Provide children with beach hats, sunglasses, and beach towels for dress-up. Play ocean sounds while dressing up.
THURSDAY Choose a Fish Craft from DLTK's Kids Ocean in a Bag--Fill baggies with clear or blue hair gel. Tape tops shut. For interest, you can add gummy fish before taping shut.
FRIDAY Use no-skid bathroom stickers in fish shapes for Crayon Rubbings. Ball Day! Play with beach balls today. Bring out an old blanket or sheet to use as a parachute to bounce the balls on.
Snack Foods:
Fish Crackers
Fish Sticks
Blue Jello
Shell Pasta
Whale Crackers
Color Jonah color pages from ConnectUS Make an Octopus: Color a paper plate. Give each child eight strips of paper folded back and forth like a fan. Glue the legs onto the paper plate and add eyes and a mouth. Read Smiley Shark by Ruth Galloway Make this Paper Plate Fish.

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All praise and glory go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Apart from Him, I could do nothing. (John 15:5)