
Theme--Jonathan & David; King David

Read and talk about the Bible stories daily.

Buddies & Pals, page 86

Let Everybody Sing, page 91

David Loved God
Action Rhyme

David Loved God. (Raise arms upward)
He loved others, too. (Spread hands, palms up.)
I will love God (Raise arms upward.)
And I will love you. (Point to several friends.)

Gross Motor--Ball Handling

Roll, throw, bounce different balls to each other.

Offer different sizes of balls and let the children play!


Glue 8 paper hearts on lunch sacks for Valentine bags.

Clap 8 times, hop 8 times, jump 8 times, march 8 steps, etc.

Put 8 heart stickers to a piece of construction paper.

Print out Number Eight Buddy


Choose one or more Sheep Activities from Danielle's Place and/or First School.

Make a lamb from each child's hand (instructions at DLTK-Kids).


Make a Pink Collage using bits of pink tissue paper, pink fun foam, pink yarn, pink stickers, color with pink crayons and markers, etc.

Mix white shaving cream with red liquid water color to make pink! Let the children explore the shaving cream right on the table. For added fun supply combs and other objects to explore with. (This can also be mixed in a baggie taped shut for a non-messy alternative.)

Sing some songs about Pink from Preschool Education.com.

Have a "Pink Day": Everyone wear pink, serve graham crackers with pink frosting, etc.

Counting Valentines
Tune: Ten Little Indians

One pink, two pink, three pink Valentines
Four pink, five pink, six pink Valentines
Seven pink, eight pink, nine pink Valentines
Ten pink Valentines.

Ten pink, nine pink, eight pink Valentines
Seven pink, six pink, five pink Valentines
Four pink, three pink, two pink Valentines
One pink Valentine.

Letters M & N

Color with Markers on Newspaper or Napkins.

Put Muffin cups in Muffin tins.

Glue Milk lids, Macaroni, or Number stickers to consturction paper.

Play with Magnets.

Letter of the Week, M and N.

Links to more ideas are on my Alphabet Links Page.


Color on a large heart.

Choose one or more of these Heart Shaped Crafts.

Heart, Heart

Heart, heart givin' my heart
Heart, heart givin' my heart
Heart, heart givin' my heart
Giving my heart to Jesus

Lost in sin, now what will I do
Lost in sin, now what will I do
Lost in sin, now what will I do
Giving my heart to Jesus


He's gonna make my heart brand new
He's gonna make my heart brand new
He's gonna make my heart brand new
Giving my heart to Jesus


Goin' to Heaven, how about you?
Goin' to Heaven, how about you?
Goin' to Heaven, how about you?
Giving my heart to Jesus

Bible--"Love one another."

Print the Bible words, "Love one another." John 13:35, on Valentines, color sheets, etc. Repeat the words out loud as much as possible. Encourage the children to love one another throughout the day.

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All praise and glory go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Apart from Him, I could do nothing. (John 15:5)