Pamm's House Membership
Preschool Summer Plans

Now you have the option to purchase Summer-Only plans. Fourteen weeks of plans that include "Wonderful Wednesdays" in which every Wednesday is a special "party-type" day. A review of the Alphabet, Numbers, and Bible Stories are all included. These plans are relaxed for the summer and use every-day things you have around the house. You can easily add to the plans if you need more. These hands-on lesson plans can be used for mixed age groups, although written for the typical preschool-age and stage.

NOTE: If you have already purchased Pamm's House Membership, there is no-need to purchase these plans (they will be duplicates).

June * July * August
A relaxed program for the summer months.

Sample 2 Weeks

Regularly $24
ON SALE for $17

Theme: Under the Sea
Bible: Various Bible Stories
Gross Motor: Water Play
Math: Review 1-25
Science: Beaches & Oceans
Letters: Review A-Z
Social Emphasis: Rules & Manners

NOTE: By clicking on the "Buy Now" button you agree to these TERMS.

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All praise and glory go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Apart from Him, I could do nothing. (John 15:5)